Wednesday, May 26, 2010

For Love of the Bike

Montrealers love to bike.

I guess it would be fitting to call them the 'Københavners of Canada'?
Although at a somewhat concerning glacial pace, Montreal seems to be leading the Canadian way towards bike-oriented transit. First with the development and expansion of its bike network path downtown, and now with the revolutionary Bixi Bike system, Montreal continues to impress me with new developments towards a cycling city.

But Copenhagen should not worry too much about a little Montreal competition... car salesmen, engineers and city planners are still hard at work maintaining traffic congestion, highway expansion, pollution, and automobile domination in the City of Montreal.

With that said, however, Montreal seems to be something of a catalyst towards the rise of cycling in Canadian, and even international, cities. Due to the success of Bixi Bikes in Montreal over the past year, Bixi Bikes has expanded its system to mega-cities like Toronto, Washington and London (England, NOT Ontario!). It seems Montreal is looking to spread a little bit of its special spice to other world cities!

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