Monday, May 31, 2010

McGill Ghetto Favorites

An enchanting shared front garden. The wrought iron fence is the perfect height and design. It is inviting, but still serves its purpose in delineating private space from public space.

If I could be any type of window, I would probably be a bay window. They are a great source of natural light and give the illusion of a larger room without making use of much more space.

But I would also want to have gargoyle/lion ornamental mascarons surrounding me for protection. Very 'Beaux-Arts'!

I LOVE door knockers. I am uncomfortable with using doorbells. Something about them is condescendingly demanding. Knocking seems much more appropriate... so long as it is not a solid hard-wood door, which necessitates serious knuckle damage. In those cases, I much prefer door knockers. The limestone-like facade around the door is beautiful, and the contrast with old red brick is charming.

Beware of snow falling off of the top of buildings on campus, seriously! Bet you haven't seen this type of signage anywhere else.

Definitely not my personal favorite, but decrepit alleyways are certainly a defining feature of the McGill Ghetto.

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